"Anything Goes" Program


The Community Players of Salisbury


President’s Message


Ahoy there – and welcome aboard the SS American as we set sail on a journey of love, laughter, familiar songs, and mistaken identities while sailing for England.  If you have ever taken a cruise, you know you meet some pretty interesting characters on board, and have we got characters for you.  Good guys, bad guys, lovers and sinners are all here.

As always, we thank each and every one of you, our season ticket holders, our patrons, our advertisers and our friends and families for your continued support and patronage year after year.  You always play a major “role” for The Community Players of Salisbury and we could not do it without you.  

So come on aboard and enjoy the show.  We are so happy you could join us on our little adventure.

                                                                              Sherri Trader-Hynes



President                                                                                                Sherri Trader-Hynes

Vice-President                                                                                              Becky Mumford

Corresponding Secretary                                                                              Rusty Mumford

Recording Secretary                                                                                             Cindy Gore

Treasurer                                                                                                         Charles Linton

Immediate Past President                                                                                Don Atkinson

Board of Directors

Carol Alex     David Allen    Sharon Benchoff

Kathy Panchyk    Ken Johnson     Susan Robinson    Susan Rogers

Standing Committees

Advertising                                                                                                          David Allen

Box Office                                                                                                               John Alex

Concessions                                                                                                       Brenda Allen

Fund Raising                                                                                                Rusty Mumford

Historical                                                                                                         Bonnie Bosies

House                                                                                                                     Carol Alex

Maintenance                                                                                                        Lester Huss

Membership                                                                                                   Terri Thornton

Nominations                                                                                                  Pat Oberholtzer

Patrons                                                                                                        Ernest Matthews

Program                                                                          David Allen and David Oberholtzer

Production                                                                                                   Becky Mumford

Publicity                                                                                       Kristi Toadvine VanMeter

Scholarship                                                                                                   Rusty Mumford

Season Tickets                                                                                       Ernest Matthews



204th                                                                                                                     69th           

Production                                                                                                        Year

The Community Players of Salisbury 




Anything Goes


Original Book by

P.G. Wodehouse & Guy Bolton

Howard Lindsay & Russell Crouse


Music and Lyrics by

Cole Porter


Directed by

Rusty Mumford


              Musical Direction                   Choreography by

      Susan Robinson                      Dawn Baldwin


Wicomico High School Auditorium

November 3, and 4, 2006 at 8:00 p.m.

November 5, 2006 at 2:00 p.m.


Presented by arrangement with Tams-Witmark


This production was made possible, in part, by a grant from the Salisbury Wicomico Arts

Council, awarded by the Maryland State Arts Council and the National Endowment for the Arts.




Act I


Scene 1               Afterdeck of the Ship

Scene 2  On the Ship’s Deck at Night

Scene 3        Two Cabins on “A” Deck

Scene 4                         The Ship’s Deck

Scene 5                         The Ship’s Deck

Scene 6            Sir Evelyn’s Stateroom

Scene 7                         The Ship’s Deck

Scene 8                             The Afterdeck


15 Minute Intermission

You’re invited to visit the refreshment stand in the lobby during intermission.


Act II


Scene 1                     The Ship’s Lounge

Scene 2                                        The Brig

Scene 3                         The Ship’s Deck


Please do not take photographs or video during our performance,

and please turn all cell phones and pagers off or to vibrate only.



Musical Numbers

Act I

Scene 1

Opening                                                                           Orchestra

You’re The Top                                                Billy and Reno

Bon Voyage                                                                     Company

Scene 2

It’s Delovely                                   Billy, Hope, and Chorus

Scene 4

Heaven Hop                                                   Bonnie and Girls

Scene 5

Friendship                                         Billy, Reno, and Moon

Scene 7

I Get A Kick Out Of You                                                      Reno

Scene 8

Anything Goes                                            Reno and Chorus

Encore: Anything Goes                         Reno and Chorus


Entracte                                                                                 Chorus

Act II

Scene 1

Public Enemy Number One                                     Chorus

Let’s Step Out                                         Bonnie and Chorus

Let’s Misbehave                                 Reno and Sir Evelyn

Blow, Gabriel, Blow                                Reno and Chorus

Scene 2

All Through The Night                                Billy and Hope

Be Like The Bluebird                                                        Moon

Reprise: All Through The Night            Billy and Hope

Scene 3

Take Me Back To Manhattan          Reno & the Angels

Wedding Music                                                           Orchestra

.Finale: You’re The Top                                        Company



(In order of appearance)

Elisha J. Whitney..................................................... Don Atkinson

Steward................................................................... Charlie Linton

Charlie (reporter)....................................... John David Maybury

Photographer.......................................................... Katy Likovich

Sir Evelyn Oakleigh................................................. Bob Forester

Mrs. Harcourt........................................................... Sherri Hynes

Hope Harcourt.......................................................... Alyce Reavis

Bishop Henry T. Dobson............................................... Kel Nagel

Reno Sweeney........................................................ Susan Rogers

Billy Crocker......................................................... Orville Nichols

Moonface Martin...................................................... Joe Benamati

Ching........................................................ Chung Wai Yin Kristal

Ling........................................................................... Katy Likovich

Purser...................................................................... Charlie Linton

Bonnie................................................................. Bobbie Calloway

Captain....................................................... Warren Bloodsworth

Chastity.......................................................................... Kate Allen

Purity.................................................................. Miranda Robbins

Virtue.......................................................................... Laura Peters

Charity......................................................................... Katie Simms


Sailors and Passengers on the liner American

Singers and Dancers of the Chorus


Ann Allen, Donna Anderson, Jan Bellistri, Richard Bird, Megan Carney,

Megan Centenio, Tara Coalter, Kelly Cropper, Britni Drehmer, Joey Dykes, Lester Huss, Kevin Kinnamon, Erin Mason, John David Maybury, Jim Meagher, Bob Robison, Donna Savage, Stacey Sepeda, Alex Schrider, Mary Veise




Producer................................................................ Becky Mumford and Carol Alex

Stage Manager................................................................................ Terri Thornton

Rehearsal Pianist.............................................................................. Joanne Little

Set Designers................................................... Rusty Mumford and Terri Thornton

Lighting.................................................................... Kevin Dennis, Graham Dennis,

                                                                               Kristen Dennis and Brad Williams

Sound..................................................................... Tom Robinson, Adham Ramses,

                                                                                    Debbie Smith, and Kim Mason

Props................................................ Mary Veise, Rusty Mumford, Becky Mumford,

                                                          Joanne Little, Sherri Hynes, and Susan Robinson

Costumes................... Becky Mumford, Carol Alex, Donna Anderson, Alyce Reavis,

                                                          Lee Alexander, Sallie Ridgway, and Sheila Long

Set Construction......................................................... Terri Thornton, David Allen

                                                          Ernie Matthews, Dwayne Mears, Kevin Robbins

                                                              Edison Hawkins, Mary Veise and Padi Lewis

Publicity................................................................................... Sherri Trader-Hynes

Cover Design & Poster........................................................................ Scott Alex

Program....................................................... David Allen, David and Pat Oberholtzer




Gary Hammer                                                   Bass

Lee Knier                                                  Trombone

Joanne Little                 Keyboard, Rehearsal Pianist

Frank Mahoney                                      Woodwinds

Jane Mahoney                                         Percussion

Greg Mann                                                      Guitar

Otello Meucci                                        Woodwinds

Chris Reavis                                            Percussion

Pat Shaner                                                  Trumpet








Ann Allen (Passenger) - Ann Allen has appeared in the chorus of The Music Man, Annie, and The Wizard of Oz. She teaches tap at the Salisbury Studio of Dance.


Kate Allen (Chastity) - This is Kate’s 7th show with the Players that include Annie, The Wizard of Oz, and Footloose

She has been in Salisbury School productions The Sound of Music and Oklahoma!  Kate has danced with the Eastern Shore Ballet for 11 years and has sung in the Maryland All-State chorus for 2.


Donna Anderson (Passenger) - This is Donna’s 2nd Players’ show.  Her 1st show was Hello Dolly.  She has been a member of the Christ UM Church’s Celebration Choir for 30 years.  She had leading roles in the CUMC productions of The Evening Post and Four Tickets to Christmas.


Don Atkinson (Elisha J. Whitney) - After a shore leave of over one year, I am again sailing with Players on the passenger liner American. We’ve got a fine crew, both on deck and in the boiler room keeping the ship running smoothly.  So sit back, enjoy and let us entertain you.


Jan Bellistri (Passenger) - This is Jan’s Players debut.  She is a Salisbury native, a wife, and mother of 2.


Joe Benamati (Moonface Martin) - Onstage, Joe has been in Oliver!, The Wizard of Oz and Annie.  He directed A Christmas Carol and has worked with construction, sound, and lighting.  He is the Coordinator of Worship Arts at Christ UMC.  His favorite roles are Dad to his wonderful daughter Sarah, and husband to his wife Janet.  You nursed me back and put up with crazy schedules.  I love you both... “You’re the Top!”


Richard Bird (Passenger) - By day a neurologist, by night an aspiring actor.  I have participated in several musicals:

Hello Dolly, Wizard of Oz, Footloose, and several other plays including My Three Angels, Sunshine Boys, The Mouse that Roared, and An Inspector Calls.


Warren Bloodsworth (Captain) – Recently, Warren acted in You Can’t Take It With You and Laughing Stock

 In 2005, he appeared in a locally-produced film written and directed by Eric Walters.  In the 1960’s, he was in Players’ shows Blood, Sweat, and Stanley Poole, Come Blow Your Horn, and Life With Father.


Bobbie Calloway (Bonnie) – Bobbie’s first play was Man of la Mancha.  She loves doing musicals but also enjoys

dramas such as Steel Magnolias.  She would like to dedicate this performance to her family and friends who have been there for her through "thick and thin", and have never wavered with their love.


Megan Carney (Passenger) - This is Megan Carney's debut with Players.  A native of Salisbury, she graduated from Meredith College

and University of MD, Baltimore. She works at the Wicomico Co. Health Department. She thanks family, friends and coworkers for their support.  


Megan Centenio (Passenger) - Previously for Players, Megan performed in Footloose and Annie.  She performed with The Salisbury Symphony Orchestra, The SU Jazz Ensemble, The SU Wind Ensemble, The SU Chamber Choir, and The Carnegie Hall Festival Chorus.  She had many solo recitals and was Jazz Vocalist for the Atlantic Hotel.  She wants to thank her parents for love and encouragement, and Susan Robinson for support and willingness to give of her talents!


Chung Wai Yin Kristal (Ching) - Chung Wai-Yin Kristel is a 17 year old foreign exchange student from Hong Kong, China who is attending WiHi this year.  Her stage experience includes chorus for musicals, school plays, solo-voice competitions, Shakespeare monologues.  She is a school choir and band member.


Kelly Cropper (Passenger)--Kelley is making her Players debut. At Parkside, she was in Alice in Wonderland, The Clumsy Custard Horror Show, and The Wizard of Oz. She has been doing ballet, jazz, and Irish step since the age of 4. She is excited to be in such a high-energy, fun show, and can't wait to dance!


Tara Coalter (Passenger) - Tara is making her Players debut.  She is in Christ UMC’s Celebration Choir.


Britni Drehmer (Passenger) – Britni is making her debut with Players.  She is a student and a student teacher at Salisbury Studio of Dance and a member of the Eastern Shore Ballet performing in The Nutcracker, Coppelia, and Swan Lake. She plays the piano and plays and sings on her church’s worship team.  She hopes your experience watching is as delightful as the experience she feels performing it for you!!!


Joey Dykes (Sailor) - Joey has appeared in several productions in recent seasons.


Bob Forester (Sir Evelyn Oakleigh) - Robert is a veteran of over 70 shows including Godspell, Pippin,  Sugarbabies, The Fantasticks, Grease, Bell, Book, and Candle, A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Forum, Into The Woods, Fiddler On The Roof, and Sound Of Music to name a few.  Bob resides in Hebron with his cat, Meta, and will be directing the third show of the Players’ season - The Fantasticks.


Lester Huss (Passenger/Drunk) - Lester performed in many Players shows such as Dial M for Murder, Fiddler on the Roof, You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown, Oklahoma!, and Kiss Me Kate.  Backstage, he worked with The Fantasticks, Annie, Bye Bye Birdie, How to Succeed in Business and Oliver.


Sherri Hynes (Mrs. Harcourt) - Sherri has been involved with Players for nearly 40 years.  She has been backstage crew, leading lady, director and is currently the President of Players.  She directed Oklahoma!, Bye, Bye Birdie, Annie, The Wizard of Oz and appeared most recently in You Can’t Take it With You. She would like to take this opportunity to wish her mother, Anna Lee Trader, a happy 80th birthday!!


Kevin Kinnamon (Passenger) - Kevin is making his Players debut.  He is in Christ UM Church’s Celebration Choir.


Katy Likovich (Photographer/Ling) - Katy is a Wor-Wic student and was in their production of East of the Sun and West of the Moon.  Her six Players shows include The Wizard of Oz and Laughing Stock.  She would like to thank her family for supporting her and her friends for keeping her (relatively) sane.


Charlie Linton (Steward/Porter) - Charlie recently appeared in Don’t Drink The Water and How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying. He has also appeared in The Christmas Carol, The Wizard Of Oz, Meet Me In St. Louis, Hello Dolly, and The Music Man.


Erin Mason (Passenger) - Erin is making her Players debut.  She is in Christ UMC’s Celebration Choir.


John David Maybury (Charlie, the reporter/Sailor) - John David graduated from SU with a degree in K-12 Music Education with an emphasis on Vocal Performance. He is currently still taking classes at SU and is the Director of Bands at Pocomoke Middle School.


Jim Meagher (Passenger) - Jim is making his debut with Players.  He sings bass at Christ UMC.  He had supporting roles in the CUMC productions of The Evening Post and Four Tickets to Christmas.


Kel Nagel (Bishop Henry T. Dobson) - Kel had his Players debut in Guys and Dolls 10 years ago. He was in Bye-Bye Birdie, Annie, Don't Drink The Water, and The Mouse That Roared.  Bishop Dobson is his 1st  office in the clerical hierarchy. He directed You Can't Take It With You and will direct Harvey in Feb 2007.


Orville Nichols (Billy Crocker) - This is Orville’s third Players show.  He also does a Big Band Bash 40’s Radio Show with Swing Time Entertainment.  He has done Possum Point Players shows, most recently Jekyll and Hyde.  He has been manager of a retail drug store for over 30 years.  He has a daughter, Nicole, a son, Travis, and a grandson, Damon.  Thank you Stephen for your support during many weeks of rehearsals.


Laura Peters (Virtue) - This is Laura’s first Players show.  She has appeared in multiple productions at Salisbury School, under the direction of Susan Rogers, including Sound of Music, Oklahoma! and Oliver! She most recently appeared in the Wor-Wic Community College production of East of the Sun, West of the Moon.


Alyce Reavis (Hope Harcourt) - She has appeared in Player's productions of Godspell and You're a Good Man Charlie Brown.  She teaches music at East Salisbury Elementary and private piano lessons.  She is very active with music and dance at Christ UMC.  Her wonderful husband of 8 years is playing the drums for the show!  She thanks her Grandma, 85 years young, for traveling from PA to see her!!


Miranda Robbins(Purity) - Her seven Players shows include Footloose, How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying, Meet Me In St. Louis, The Wizard of Oz, Hello, Dolly!, and Annie. She has worked with Players theater camp, been in Soul Rockin' Revival shows and the Children's Theater of Delmarva productions.  It is a great privilege to be in this production, and I want to say Break A Leg to all the cast!


Bob Robison (Passenger) - Bob is making his debut with Players.  He currently sings in the bass section of the Celebration Choir at Christ UMC.


Susan Rogers (Reno Sweeney) - Susan is a mother of 4, adjunct communications teacher at SU, and owner of Kaleidoscope Children and Youth Productions.  She has performed in over 30 productions and directed over 40 productions for various organizations.  She was seen in Bell, Book,and Candle, Annie Get Your Gun, You’re A Good Man, Charlie Brown, and Music Man.  Thank you to her saint husband, Scott, and four children, Meredith, Zachary, James, and Madison—without their support, this would not be possible.  She dedicates this performance to Crystal Moore, an inspiring individual and great friend. 


Donna Savage (Passenger) -This is Donna’s Players debut.  She is in Christ UMC’s Celebration Choir.


Alex Schrider (Sailor) - Alex is a student at Wor-Wic Community College and is a member of the chorus there.  He has appeared in Players’ productions of Footloose and Laughing Stock.


Stacey Sepeda (Sailor) - Stacey is returning to the Players’ stage after several years absence.


Katie Simms (Charity) - Katie performed in The Sound of Music and Oklahoma! at The Salisbury School.  Katie debuted with Players as Annie in Annie and has participated in Hello Dolly, The Wizard of Oz, Meet Me in St. Louis, and Footloose.  She is in the Celebration Choir at Christ UMC.


Mary Veise (Passenger) - Mary was last seen on roller skates as Betty Blast in Footloose.  She has been involved in some way in almost all Players shows since The Sound Of Music in 1970.



Rusty Mumford (Director) - Rusty has been a Players’ member for 20 years being involved in almost every production, either on stage or backstage. Rusty has been seen on Players’ stage in My Three Angels, The Wizard of Oz, Social Security, Lend Me A Tenor,

The Mouse That Roared, Footloose, You Can’t Take It With You, Godspell and You’re A Good Man, Charlie Brown

 He directed Cheaper By The Dozen, Come Blow Your Horn, Spider’s Web, and Meet Me In St. Louis.  Thanks to Becky, my family, and

 stage wives for their love and support!  Thanks to Joanne for being there and Susan for taking a chance on me!


Susan Robinson (Music Director) - This is Susan’s first show with Players as Music Director.  She is choir director and

keyboardist at Christ UMC.  For Players, she played keyboard for Footloose and Godspell.  Susan performed in Meet Me in St. Louis, Wizard of Oz and Hello Dolly

 She enjoys being in productions with her daughter, Katie and husband, Tom.  Thanks, Rusty, for another life changing experience.


Dawn Baldwin (Choreographer) - Dawn is Players’ members John and Carol Alex’s daughter.  She comes to us from

New Jersey where she owns and operates her own dance studio.  This is Dawn’s second show with Players,

having choreographed our production of Meet Me In St. Louis.


David Allen (Set) – David has done set construction, special effects, lights and sound for numerous shows.  He wants to
 thank his wife Brenda, son Justin and daughter Kristen for putting up with his crazy hours.  Brenda and David have done ads for programs
 and concessions for shows for many years.  
Kevin Dennis (Lighting) - Kevin began helping with lights when he was in junior high school.  Since then, he has done 
lights for several Masque Dinner Theatre productions.  He has done Players lights for Oklahoma!, The King & I, and Annie.


Joanne Little (Orchestra/Rehearsal Pianist) - Joanne Little is a Lifetime Member of Players.  She has played for more than 40 musicals and has done props for many straight shows.  Her last on-stage role was in Come Blow Your Horn.  She is organist and choir director at Manokin Presbyterian Church in Princess Anne.


Kim Mason (Sound) - Kim has been part of the sound team for Players productions of Godspell, Wizard of Oz, Meet Me In St. Louis, How To Succeed in Business, Don’t Drink the Water, Footloose, and Laughing Stock. Kim has also been involved with sound for many years with Christ UM Church.


Adham Ramses (Sound) - Adham is involved with sound at Christ UM Church. With Players he has been part of the sound team for Meet Me In St. Louis, How To Succeed in Business, and Footloose.


Tom Robinson (Sound) - Tom is Technical Ministries Director for Christ UM Church.  With Players, he is both on stage and behind the scenes. He was in Hello Dolly, The Wizard of Oz and Meet Me In St. Louis. He did special effects for The Wizard of Oz and You Can’t Take It With You and sound for Godspell, A Christmas Carol, How To Succeed in Business, Don’t Drink the Water, Footloose, and Laughing Stock.


Debbie Smith (Sound) - Debbie has performed with Players in Hello Dolly and part of the sound team for Salisbury School’s Sound of Music. Debbie is also a member of the sound team with Christ UM Church.


Terri Thornton (Stage Manager) - Terri has been with Players for about 3 years. She has assisted in the construction of 11 stage sets including Bell, Book and Candle where she also served as set chief.  She also lends her other talents in Graphic Design, helping design show posters, including the one for Laughing Stock, as well as props for many shows. She prefers the magic of the backstage to that of the spotlight.



When a director proposes a show for Community Players, he or she must feel some “passion” for that show.  I am very passionate about Anything Goes and have become even more so as I have watched it grow and blossom into the performance that you will enjoy today.  Of course, the authors of the play gave us a wonderful script to use and Cole Porter’s music is unsurpassed, but the real magic of the show lies in the hearts and minds of every cast and crew member with whom I have had the extreme honor to work.  Every one of the people you will see on stage (and a score of people who have worked backstage) has given of their time and talents unselfishly to be sure that we kept two promises which I made to them—that we would make Anything Goes the best possible show and that we would have fun.

Our producers/costumers, Becky Mumford and Carol Alex, have gone above and beyond the call of duty coordinating the costumes and doing all of the things that no one else could or would do.  Two of Salisbury’s most musically-talented ladies, Susan Robinson and Joanne Little, have guided the cast and orchestra from tentative first notes to polished and beautiful melodies.  Tom Robinson and the sound crew have worked tirelessly to make sure that you are able to hear each of those wonderful Cole Porter tunes.  Kevin Dennis has designed the lighting that will take us away from this auditorium and put us aboard the cruise ship, USS American.  Terri Thornton and her set construction crew have taken my humble first sketches and transformed them into the majestic ship on which we sail today.  I want to express my sincere appreciation to each of these people and the many others whom I didn’t mention—yes, I know who you are and how much you have done!

My greatest wish is that you enjoy our performance as much as we have enjoyed the journey we have taken to bring it to you!  Now, settle into your deck chair and cruise across the Atlantic with us aboard the USS American as you enjoy the comedy, romance, and toe-tapping songs of Anything Goes!

                                                                                                Rusty Mumford




Joe Andrew’s – Sign-Age

Scott Alex

Christ United Methodist Church

Goldsborough Marine

Jones and Dryden Truck and Car Rental

Sallie Ridgway

Access 26

The Daily Times

Mike and Sandi at Q105



WICO – Cat Country

As in every production, there are individuals who have come to our aid and unfortunately are not mentioned in the program.  We want to thank them and everyone who made this production possible.




PATRONS  2006-2007




Sustaining Members

Tom and Susan Robinson


    Dr. Lynne Everett                                                                                                             Kel & Debby Nagel

In Memory of Mary E. Spencer


    Barbara S. Hanson - Dance Unlimited                                                                                 Fred G. Livingood

Mrs. Harry L. Palmer


    Stephen M. Hearne & Holly Schaefer                                                                                Pat & Rod Layton

George & Arla Stroup


    Mr. & Mrs. John B. Atkins                                                                                             Ron & Jackie Ayers

    Jane W. Bailey                                                                                                       Ann Marie & Chris Barnes

    Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Bloodsworth                                                                                       Marilyn Booth

    Mrs. Jane S. Buckley                                                                                                              Cindy Callaway

    Michael & Annette Conger                                                                                             Camilla E. Disharoon

    Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ferraro, Jr.                                                                                      Lloyd & Alice Foard

    Hamilton & Kathleen Fox                                                                                 Mary Sue & Gordon Gladden

    Betsy Hancock & Ed Fooks                                                                                      Irving & Bernice Herrick

    Adrianne & Lewis Kadushin                                                                                           Jim & Donna Kaylor

    Chuck & Sheila Lemak                                                                                       Terry & Mary Beth Lindsay

    Jack Lynch & Joe Poveromo                                                                                         Mary Frances Macon

    Susanne Morris                                                                                                      Marian & David Patterson

    John & Vickie Pick                                                                                                         Scott & Susan Rogers

    D & L Savoy                                                                                                                          Gerry Schmidlin

    John & Lisa Shahan                                                                                                        Lee & Manya Sterner

    Fred & Peg Strout                                                       Ann B. Suthowski - In Memory of John J. Suthowski

    Shirley Thomas Taylor                                                                                           Mary & Stephanie Taylor

    Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Thomas                                                                  M. William & Frances  Tilghman

    Mrs. Alice Tweedy                                                                                                                Mr. Bill Twilley

    Richard & Karyl Tyler                                                                                      Mr. & Mrs. Dan Zimmerman



    Mr. & Mrs. James Anthenelli                                                                                                 Barbara Benton

    DeWees Hart & Bill Pump                                                                                         Mary-Alice S. Hawkins

    Alfred Huffer                                                                                                                         Marjorie Poisker


    Ms. Frederika Danielus                                                                                         Mrs. Theodore T. Dorman

    Bob Fisher                                                                                                                       Ruth & Fred Handte

    Fred Herrmann                                                                                                      Eleanor & Robert Hoekstra

    Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Hutchinson                                                                      Dustin & Derek Mazzocoli

    Roy & Charlotte Meyers                                                                                               Dorothy Paris Moon

    Betty Provance                                                                                                         Donald & Yvonne Rathel

    Mr. Richard Sames                                                                                                       Elizabeth Stadelbacher
