"Bell, Book & Candle" Program


    The Community Players of Salisbury


President’s Message


Good evening and welcome to the second production of our 68th season.  Someone described it as a bewitching comedy about an enchanting subject!  Bell Book and Candle is a production that will be new to many of you—unless you have a little gray hair or like to watch old movies.  The movie was released in 1958, and was as good then as we hope you will agree our version is now.  

Make plans now to join us in June for the comedy, Laughing Stock.  This promises to be a terrific end to an outstanding season for Players and our audience.

                                                                              Sherri Trader-Hynes



President............................................................................................................... Sherri Trader-Hynes

Vice-President............................................................................................................. Becky Mumford

Corresponding Secretary............................................................................................... Rusty Mumford

Recording Secretary................................................................................................................... (Open)

Treasurer....................................................................................................................... Charles Linton

Immediate Past President................................................................................................ Don Atkinson

Board of Directors

Carol Alex     Sharon Benchoff     Kathy Panchyk

Ken Johnson     Joanne Little    Kel Nagel    Susan Robinson

Standing Committees

Advertising......................................................................................................................... David Allen

Box Office............................................................................................................................ John Alex

Concessions.................................................................................................................... Brenda Allen

Fund Raising................................................................................................................ Rusty Mumford

Historical....................................................................................................................... Bonnie Bosies

Hospitality.................................................................................................................... Debbie Dawson

House................................................................................................................................. Carol Alex

Maintenance..................................................................................................................... Lester Huss

Membership..................................................................................................................... Brenda Allen

Nominations................................................................................................................ Pat Oberholtzer

Patrons..................................................................................................................... Ernest Matthews

Program............................................................................................ David Allen and David Oberholtzer

Production........................................................................................................................... Carol Alex

Publicity......................................................................................................... Kristi Toadvine VanMeter

Scholarship.................................................................................................................. Rusty Mumford

Season Tickets........................................................................................................... Ernest Matthews


202nd                                                                                                   68th           

Production                                                                                         Year

The Community Players of Salisbury, Inc. 



John Van Druten


Directed by

Cindy Gore


Guerrieri Hall Auditorium at Wor-Wic Community College

February 24, 25, March 2, 3, 2006 at 8:00 p.m.

February 26, and March 4, 2006 at 2:00 p.m.


Presented by arrangement with Dramatists Play Service, Inc


This production was made possible, in part, by a grant from the Salisbury Wicomico Arts

Council, awarded by the Maryland State Arts Council and the National Endowment for the Arts.






All action takes place in the apartment of Gillian Holroyd in the Murray Hill District of New York City.


Act I


Scene 1:  Christmas Eve

Scene 2:  Three hours later

Scene 3:  Two weeks later.  Afternoon


15 Minute Intermission

You’re invited to visit the refreshment stand in the lobby during intermission.


Act II


Scene 1:  One millisecond after the end of Act I, Scene 3

Scene 2:  Later on that night

Scene 3:  Two months later.  Afternoon


Please: Do not take flash photographs during our performance

And turn all cell phones and pagers off or to vibrate only.



(In order of appearance)


Gillian Holroyd.......................................................................................... Amanda Welch

Pyewacket..................................................................................................... Simon Hynes

Shepard Henderson..................................................................................... Matt Bogdan

Queenie Holroyd......................................................................................... Susan Rogers

Nicky Holroyd................................................................................................... Joey Dykes

Sidney Redlitch........................................................................................ Robert Forester




Director.......................................................................................... Cindy Gore

Stage Manager.............................................................. Sherri Trader Hynes

Set Designer.......................................................................... Ernie Matthews

Lighting Design and Special Effects...................................... Gary Finley

Sound..................................................................................... Mike Masterson

Props Coordinators............................................... Jean King, Joanne Little

                                                                                              and Kathy Panchyk



Make-up and Hair................................................................. Rusty Mumford

Set Construction................. Terri Thornton, David Allen, Sharon Benchoff,

                                                                                  Sherri Hynes, Padi Lewis,

                                                                        Ernie Matthews and Mary Veise

Set Decorating......................................................... Jean King, Joanne Little

                                                                                              and Kathy Panchyk

Rehearsal Assistants..................... Meredith Rogers and Zachery Rogers

Publicity.................................................................. Kristi Toadvine VanMeter

Logo design................................................................................ Vincent Gore

Program.................................................. David Allen and David Oberholtzer

T-Shirts and Cast Party ................................................................Carol Alex



Cindy Gore (Director) Cindy weaves her magic spell as director once again for the Community Players.  Other shows she has conjured include The Mouse That Roared,  Little Women, Blithe Spirit, Night of January 16th and The Pleasure of His Company.  She most recently appeared on stage in a reprisal of her role as Mother Superior in Nunsense for WorWic Community College.  Other favorite roles include Mama in I Remember Mama, M’Lynn in Steel Magnolias, Lizzie in The Rainmaker, Sybil Birling in An Inspector Calls, Emily Brent in Ten Little Indians, Joanne in Company, Miss Hannigan in Annie, Miss Jones in How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying, and Aunt Eller in Oklahoma!. Cindy is a librarian at WorWic Community College and will be directing a show for their Dessert Theatre in March.

Matt Bogdan (Shepard Henderson) Matt Bogdan has been involved with community theatre for over 25 years.  His roles include Thomas Jefferson in 1776, Bill Sykes in Oliver!, Judd in Oklahoma!, and The Tin Man in The Wizard of Oz.  He directed The Music Man, My Fair Lady, and Twelve Angry Men.  Matt has also directed and produced over 50 productions at Pocomoke High School. A high school English teacher and real estate agent, Matt believes theater is a great way to meet people and practice an art that develops one's soul. He dedicates this performance to his parents, whose encouragement and enthusiasm have influenced him in all aspects of his life. He also appreciates all of the crew members who work behind the scenes, noting that their dedication and energy are essential to the success of a production.

Joey Dykes (Nicky Holroyd)    

Robert Forester (Sidney Redlitch) Robert Forester is a veteran of over 60 shows; his most recent ones are Godspell, Don't Drink the Water, and You Can't Take It with You.   Earlier performances include Into the Woods, Pippin, A Funny Thing Happened On the Way to the Forum, The Sound Of Music, Sugar Babies, Oklahoma!, Music Man, Snoopy, Man Of Lamancha, Two By Two, Phantom, I Remember Mama, Pirates of Penzance, Oliver, Fiddler On The Roof, Hello Dolly, and many musical revues.

Sophie Hynes (Pyewacket) Sophie is making her theatrical debut here.  She is 7 years old and was adopted from the Humane Society.  I think she is excited about making her stage debut, but with cats it's hard to tell if they are excited or not.  She'd probably be happier at home sleeping, eating, chasing mice or playing with her 6 brothers and sisters.  Special thanks to McAllister's Veterinary Service for keeping her so happy and healthy.

Susan Rogers (Queenie Holroyd) Susan is returning to Community Players’ stage after a 5 year respite.  She is the director of fine and performing arts at Salisbury School and mother of four.  She owns Kaleidoscope Children and Youth Productions, a children’s theatre company.  Susan has performed in over thirty productions and directed over forty productions for various organizations.  She has been seen in Community Players’ productions as Annie Oakley in Annie Get Your Gun, Lucy in You’re A Good Man Charlie Brown, and Mrs. Shinn in Music Man, and as Ruth in SU’s Production of Pirates of Penzance to name a few.  Thank you to her saint husband, Scott and four children, Meredith, Zachary, James and Madison -- without their support this wouldn’t be possible.

Amanda Welch (Gillian) Mandy is a graduate of Catholic University with a Masters of Fine Arts in Acting.  At Catholic she appeared in such roles as Miss Julie in Miss Julie, Lady Macbeth and Beatrice in the Shakespeare Project, and Nina in The Seagull.  She debuted with Players’ as Anne in Cheaper By the Dozen. Over the past thirteen years, she has been in such Players’ shows as Laura in the Glass Menagerie, Corie in Barefoot in the Park, Rosemary in How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying and most recently Essie in You Can’t Take It With You.  Mandy has also been involved in many plays and theatre groups around the area including SU theatre, Parker Productions, and Baystar productions.   Mandy would like to thank her friends and family for all of their love and support.




I am delighted once again to be directing a show for Community Players.  Bell, Book and Candle has always been a favorite film of mine and the selection of the play that inspired it as part of this year’s season has given me the opportunity to cast some of my all-time favorite Players.  Matt, Mandy, Susan, Robert, Joey and Sophie all bring a magical quality to this production that only an ensemble of actors of their class can achieve. The technical crew is working diligently to conjure up some devilish special effects as well. Gary, Mike, Bill, Ernie, Terri, Jean, Joanne, Becky and Sherri are brewing up a potent experience for you.  This bewitching collaboration between cast and crew weaves a spell for a truly special performance. Thanks to everyone who has made it possible.


                                                                                                Cindy Gore





Joe Andrews – Sign-Age

Jones and Dryden Truck and Car Rental

Salisbury – Wicomico Arts Council

Wor-Wic Community College

Judy Ferrand

Bill Gore

Jim King

O'Neal's Antiques

Access 26

The Daily Times

Mike and Sandi at Q105



WICO – Cat Country


As in every production, there are individuals who have come to our aid and unfortunately are not mentioned in the program.  We take this opportunity to thank everyone who made this production possible.






Laughing Stock

Directed by Sharon Benchoff and Ernie Matthews

At Guerrieri Hall, Wor-Wic Community College

June 19, 20, 21 and 22, 2006

PATRONS  2005-2006



    Dr. Lynne Everett                                                                                                          Kel and Debbie Nagel

    Tom and Susan Robinson                                                                              In Memory of Mary E. Spencer


    Barbara S. Hanson - Dance Unlimited                                                                              Pat and Rod Layton

    Fred G. and Clara S. Livingood                                                                                         MSC/ Mail Movers

    Mrs. Harry L. Palmer                                                                                                       Carol and Ed Prager


    John B. and Sandra Atkins                                                                      Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bloodsworth

    Andy and Marilyn Booth                                                                                             Lloyd and Alice Foard

    Mr. and Mrs. Gordon D Gladden                                              Paul Klaverweiden and Michael T. Williams

    Pepsi of Delmarva                                                                                                  Lillian and Lester Simpson

    Mr. and Mrs. George V. Stroup                                                                                             Barry P. Wilson


    Fred and Nancy Althaus                                                                                                Ron and Jackie Ayers

    Ms. Jane W. Bailey                                                                                              Philip and Melody Bankert

    Ann Marie and Chris Barnes                                                                                          Mrs. Jane S. Buckley

    Michael and Annette Conger                                                                                                    Nina S. Downs

    Hamilton and Kathleen Fox                                                                     Julia A Hancock and Edward Fooks

    Bernice and Irving Herrick                                                                                                            Edgar Isaacs

    Dr. Lewis and Adrianne Kadushin                                                                   Jack Lynch and Joe Poveromo

    Elinor H. Lynch                                                                                                             Mary Frances Macon

    Mr. and Mrs. P. Curtis Massey                                                                                            Susanne  Morris

    Marian and David Patterson                                                                                           John and Vickie Pick

    Tom and Carolyn Plotts                                                                                                 Ms. Gerry Schmidlin

    Josephine E. Smith                                                                                                      Lee and Manya Sterner

    Ann B. Suthowski - In memory of John J. Suthowski                                        Mary and Stephanie Taylor

    Shirley Thomas Taylor                                                                              M. William and Francis  Tilghman

    Terri and Chuck Woodward                                                                                                         Anonymous


    Carroll Banks Interior Design                                                                                                  Barbara Benton

    Doris V. Hammond                                                                                                    Mary-Alice S. Hawkins

    Alfred C. Huffer                                                                                                      Startech Communications

    Marjorie Poisker                                                                                                                 Daniel J. Whealton



    Monica Anthenelli                                                                        Merry Widows and Widowers Social Club

    Elizabeth Betts                                                                                                                        Marie Calafiura

    Anne J. Cuomo                                                                                                                               Bob Fisher

    Ruth and Fred Handte                                                                                        Eleanor and Robert Hoekstra

    Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Hutchinson                                                       Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McEntegart

    Dorothy P. Moon                                                                                                     David and Kathy Outten

    Mr. Richard Sames

Thank You